Updated October 6, 2018 with results.
The PWS prediction scorecard for WWE Super Show-Down is now available. Results will be live tweeted (@PWScorecards) at the close of each match. Use #PWSResults to join the conversation.
Official results will be added to this post once available.
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If the event card is updated and time permits, the scorecard will be updated and a list of updates will be posted here.
- No updates were made to this scorecard after initial release.
Patreon Supports: Brett H, David P, The West Family, Bo E, Jori E, Cas L, The Lovejoy Family, Peter, Chris, Cruz S, TheChairshot.com, Breaking Down the Ring Podcast
Reminder: As a network event, this is not a Patreon funded scorecard, but we will still be putting out Pro Tier Patron names on the scorecard. If you would like to do a one time donation to support this specific card, you can visit paypal.me/pwscorecards.
Official Results