Official Rules
The goal of a PWS scorecard is to earn a higher score than the members of your viewing party, your Prowess Faction or the entire Prowess community. This is achieved by accurately predicting the winner of each match, the method of victory and prop-style match/event level bonus questions (called extras). This guide will give you a basic overview of our rules and scoring examples.
A player can earn 5 points on for each match by correctly predicting the winning wrestler/team.
The points earned for predicting the correct winner in larger matches like WWE Royal Rumble, AEW Casino Battle Royale or GCW Clusterfuck are doubled to 10 points, which will be noted on the scorecard when applicable.
An extra is a prop-style bonus question that can be used at the match or event level. The base score for all match extras is 3 points, but additional points can be earned in some instances, which will always be notated on the scorecard. The base score for an event extra varies based on the extra, but will always be notated on the scorecard.
All extras are measured bell-to-bell unless noted otherwise.
+/- X
Most extras that require you to predict a count/number allow a buffer to score points. These extras will have a +/- X at the end of the extra description. If your prediction is within X of the final count you will earn the base points for the extra, typically 3 points.
Example: You predict that there will be 5 aerial moves (+/- 1) in a match. The final count is 4. Since the extra has a +/- 1 you will earn 3 points for being within the range. If your guess was 3 you would be outside of the range, so you would earn no points.
Extras with a +/- X also have the potential of earning bonus points. If your prediction is an exact match to the final count, you will earn the base points, plus 2 additional points. If the base point are 3 points, this bonus give you the potential of earning 5 points.
Example: You predict that there will be 4 aerial moves (+/- 1) in a match. The final count is 4. Since the you guessed the final count exactly you earn the base points plus 2 points, totaling 5 points.
Predict which competitor achieves the most XXX. These are counted like any count extra, but for each competitor. A tie is possible on these extras and will be an option.
Predict if the final count on an extra is over or under the base number. Base number will never be a whole number, so the final count cannot match the base number.
Predict the final fall type of a match. Unless otherwise noted options are pin, submission (includes technical submission), count out, DQ or other. Some match types will exclude some fall types or add stipulation specific fall types, if this applies the options will be listed on the scorecard. Below are some alternative options:
- Non-WWE matches will include time limit draw as an option.
- Cages matches may include escape as an option.
- All unlisted fall types are bucketed under other.
All offensive moves attempted from an elevated location and landing in a lower location will be counted. The move does not need to connect, it will still be counted if missed or reversed.
All blood related extras require that the blood is actually running at some point during the match. A cut that simply looks as to have blood in it, does not count.
Count of successfully executed finishers. Only finishers listed on the scorecard are eligible and may differ from event to event for each wrestler.
In order to count, submission finishers must be locked in fully and non-submission finishers must be fully executed (not reversed). It doesn’t matter who executes the finisher, as long as it is an eligible finisher for the extra.
Intentional physical contact or referee distraction initiated by a non-competitor that results in a change in who controls the match. This is a somewhat subjective extra, so it will be up to the individual scoring the match and their decision is final.
Number of times a competitor not involved in a pin attempt, breaks up a pin in time to prevent the fall.
Number of tags during the match that result in a change of the legal competitor. Tag does not count if referee doesn’t allow the change.
Predict which wrestler makes the fall (wins) and/or takes the fall (loses). This extra is only used in matches where there are multiple potential options for either extra. Example: A tag team matches will include the makes and takes extras. A triple threat match will only include who takes the fall, as the winner extra accounts for who makes the fall.
Time measured from bell to bell. Rounded to the nearest minute.
Total of all 2 count pin attempts. Referees final finger symbol to the timekeeper will determine validity of count.
Time measured from designated start time to designated end time. Rounded to the nearest minute. Below are a few examples of potential extras:
- Time to/before first XXX – This extra is measured from the opening bell until the first XXX occurs.
- Combined entrance time – This extra is measured from the start of the first competitors music until the conclusion of the final competitors music.
Number or unique weapons used during match. Each weapon type is only counted during it’s first use. Example: Chair is used as a weapon, counts as 1, additional chairs used no longer count.
Eligible types of use include:
- An object thrown, swung or spit at an opponent (kendo stick, chair, light tube, mist)
- An object used to choke an opponent (chain, rope, kendo stick, neck tie)
- An object used to cut someone (broken light tube, barbed wire, pizza cutter (MDK!))
- An opponent is thrown through an object. Simply throwing an opponent into an object does not count. (table, glass pane, door)
A specific weapon will typically be specified with this question. Example: Chair shots +/- 1. A wrestler must swing or throw the weapon for it to count, unless otherwise noted. The attack must connect.
Based on the wording of this extra, some weapon usage is excluded. Examples: wrestler going through a table, wrester being thrown onto a chair, etc. These scenarios are sometimes address in their own extras.
This extra will define terms for what counts as usage for the specific weapon named.
Predict the final fall type of a match. Unless otherwise noted options are pin, submission (includes technical submission), count out, DQ or other. Some match types will exclude some fall types or add stipulation specific fall types, if this applies the options will be listed on the scorecard. Below are some alternative options:
- Non-WWE matches will include time limit draw as an option.
- Cages matches may include escape as an option.
- All unlisted fall types are bucketed under other.
All offensive moves attempted from an elevated location and landing in a lower location will be counted. The move does not need to connect, it will still be counted if missed or reversed.
All blood related extras require that the blood is actually running at some point during the match. A cut that simply looks as to have blood in it, does not count.
Count of successfully executed finishers. Only finishers listed on the scorecard are eligible and may differ from event to event for each wrestler.
In order to count, submission finishers must be locked in fully and non-submission finishers must be fully executed (not reversed). It doesn’t matter who executes the finisher, as long as it is an eligible finisher for the extra.
Intentional physical contact or referee distraction initiated by a non-competitor that results in a change in who controls the match. This is a somewhat subjective extra, so it will be up to the individual scoring the match and their decision is final.
Number of times a competitor not involved in a pin attempt, breaks up a pin in time to prevent the fall.
Number of tags during the match that result in a change of the legal competitor. Tag does not count if referee doesn’t allow the change.
Predict which wrestler makes the fall (wins) and/or takes the fall (loses). This extra is only used in matches where there are multiple potential options for either extra. Example: A tag team matches will include the makes and takes extras. A triple threat match will only include who takes the fall, as the winner extra accounts for who makes the fall.
Time measured from bell to bell. Rounded to the nearest minute.
Total of all 2 count pin attempts. Referees final finger symbol to the timekeeper will determine validity of count.
Time measured from designated start time to designated end time. Rounded to the nearest minute. Below are a few examples of potential extras:
- Time to/before first XXX – This extra is measured from the opening bell until the first XXX occurs.
- Combined entrance time – This extra is measured from the start of the first competitors music until the conclusion of the final competitors music.
Number or unique weapons used during match. Each weapon type is only counted during it’s first use. Example: Chair is used as a weapon, counts as 1, additional chairs used no longer count.
Eligible types of use include:
- An object thrown, swung or spit at an opponent (kendo stick, chair, light tube, mist)
- An object used to choke an opponent (chain, rope, kendo stick, neck tie)
- An object used to cut someone (broken light tube, barbed wire, pizza cutter (MDK!))
- An opponent is thrown through an object. Simply throwing an opponent into an object does not count. (table, glass pane, door)
A specific weapon will typically be specified with this question. Example: Chair shots +/- 1. A wrestler must swing or throw the weapon for it to count, unless otherwise noted. The attack must connect.
Based on the wording of this extra, some weapon usage is excluded. Examples: wrestler going through a table, wrester being thrown onto a chair, etc. These scenarios are sometimes address in their own extras.
This extra will define terms for what counts as usage for the specific weapon named.
Predict which match will air in each of the listed positions on the main card. Each correct guess earns 3 points. If you believe an unannounced match will air in any listed spot you can choose the ‘Not Listed’ option.
Future update: We will be adding an accuracy bonus to this extra for anyone who predicts the card order 100% correctly.
This rule is being updated before it makes a return to the scorecards. Check back for more information.
The following are match extras that are typically unique to ladder matches, including the Money in the Bank ladder match.
The first wrestler to have both feet on the rungs of a standing ladder earns points. Feet only need to be as high as the first rung to count.
The first person to touch the belt/case/chip will earn points. Touching will count if any part of the wrestler touches the belt/case/chip, intentional or not.
The last person to touch the belt/case and not win the match will earn points.
The first person to be hit with a swung or thrown ladder will earn points.
Typically a Yes/No question. Only weapon usage that would not normally result in a disqualification are counted. For instance, getting thrown into the stairs is not weapon usage, but the stairs getting thrown into you is weapon usage.
Points are awarded for properly predicting the condition of each table on the scorecard. The tables condition is predicted by marking each table with one of the following:
- An X over the table name indicates that the table will be destroyed.
- A circle around the table name indicates that the table will survive.
- English
- Spanish
- Other
The other table includes the third announce table during WWE events, likely German, as well as all off camera international announce tables.
Table destruction is measured differently based on the type of table the promotion uses. A table does not need to remain destroyed to earn points for that condition. Once a table is destroyed, it will maintain that status, even if repaired.
- WWE announce tables – Considered destroyed when side walls separate from table top, which causes the table top to drop to the floor. Only this table type will be considered destroyed if flipped over.
- Folding tables – considered destroyed if the table top break
Points are awarded from properly predicting unscheduled appearances of eligible individuals during the main card of the event, no pre-show or pre-tapes. 5 picks can be made, with 3 points awarded for each correct prediction, totaling 15 potential points.
Official card on promotions website or social media 1 hour before the pre-show will act as the official scheduled list for the event. All names listed there and on the match portion of the scorecard will be considered scheduled. We will communicate updates when possible.
- Superstars listed on scorecard
- Superstars listed on card
- Managers & valets listed on scorecard
- Authority figures
- Trainers
- Referees
- Announcers
- Appearances on pre-show or in pre-tapes
- Hall of Fame class
- Celebrities – Appearances will only be counted if the person is acknowledged during the broadcast by the announce team or on the lower third.
- Family – Appearances will only be counted if the family members have been an active part of the talents story leading up to the event.
- Royal Rumble & WrestleMania – During these events 10 picks are made, with 3 points awarded for each correct prediction, totaling 30 potential points.