Updated Sept 4, 2019 – Added semi-final results
The PWS prediction scorecard for WWE King of the Ring is now available. Results will be live tweeted (@PWScorecards) at the close of each match. Use #PWSResults and #PlayPWS to join the conversation.
This is a slightly different setup from our normal scorecard. It is at it’s core just a bracket, but we have also assigned points to each level, so you can score it out as well.
Official results will be added to this post once available.
If the event card is updated and time permits, the scorecard will be updated. A list of updates or changes we will not address, will be posted here.
- No updates have been made to this scorecard since it’s initial release.
Points are awarded for guessing the correct winner of each match up. Each round has a point value that increases as the tournament progresses. Picks in the first round are worth 3, second are worth 5, third are worth 9 and the final match is worth 15. In this setup, you may not guess the entire bracket, but good performance early on could still give you the win on points.
All rules are detailed in the rules section.
Patreon Pro Tier: The West Family, David P, Bo E, Jori E, The Lovejoy Family, Peter, Chris, Cruz S, Mark B, WrastleManiaPod, The Power Hand, Jacob B, Ashley A, Frank, Josh, Elvert, The Party Game Cast, Robert D, Wayne C, Ryan T
Patreon GM Tier: Breaking Down the Ring, Joe B