UPDATE: Results added below.
We will be opening PWS Season 5 with our prediction scorecard for WWE Money in the Bank. The scorecard is now available and picks will close at 3p PST on May 10.
During the event, results will be live tweeted (@PWScorecards) at the close of each match. Use #PWSResults and #PlayPWS to join the conversation.
We still have open spots in the digital beta. No beta code necessary. Register now!
Due to the tight timeline for WWE scorecards, matches added after posting will not be added to the scorecard. The participants of those matches will still be considered scheduled if added more than 1 hour prior to pre-show.
The following rules apply to this scorecard:
Aerial Moves
Near Falls
Timed Extras
+/- X with Bonus
Ladder Matches
Release Formats

Card ID: PWS-SC-0076